Definition of Carbon monoxide

1. Noun. An odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon.

Exact synonyms: Carbon Monoxide Gas, Co
Generic synonyms: Monoxide

Definition of Carbon monoxide

1. Noun. (inorganic compound) A colourless, odourless, flammable, highly toxic gas ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Carbon monoxide

1. An organic byproduct of combustion, tasteless, odourless gas that competes with oxygen binding sites on the haemoglobin molecule. Early symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure include headache and nausea. Advanced exposure results in coma, cardiovascular collapse and death. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Carbon Monoxide

carbon disulphide
carbon emissions trading
carbon fiber
carbon fibre
carbon fixation
carbon fixations
carbon footprint
carbon footprints
carbon group
carbon isotopes
carbon leakage
carbon market
carbon markets
carbon microphone
carbon microphones
carbon monoxide
carbon monoxide-methylene blue oxidoreductase
carbon monoxide dehydrogenase disulfide reductase
carbon monoxide gas
carbon monoxide haemoglobin
carbon monoxide poisoning
carbon nanofiber
carbon nanofibers
carbon nanofibre
carbon nanofibres
carbon nanofoam
carbon nanofoams
carbon nanotube
carbon neutral
carbon offset

Literary usage of Carbon monoxide

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London by Royal Society (Great Britain) (1904)
"Some Preliminary Observations on the Assimilation of carbon monoxide by ... During an investigation by one of us some years ago on " carbon monoxide in some ..."

2. Industrial Hydrogen by Hugh Stott Taylor (1921)
"Thus, a solution, one volume of which at 200 atmospheres pressure will absorb 20- 30 volumes of carbon monoxide will absorb 4-5 volumes of the gas at a gas ..."

3. Diet in Health and Disease by Julius Friedenwald, John Ruhräh (1907)
"carbon monoxide. The essential peculiarity of poisoning by carbon monoxide is the power of the gas to form a stable compound with haemoglobin, ..."

4. Handbook of Physiology by William Dobinson Halliburton (1913)
"carbon monoxide Poisoning. The fatal effects often produced by this gas (as in accidents ... In an atmosphere containing both oxygen and carbon monoxide, ..."

5. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1902)
"7, 27: nascent, conversion of carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide by, 5, ... 8, 2i : relative affinity of, for hydrogen and carbon monoxide (abst. ..."

6. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry by Thomas Edward Thorpe (1921)
"carbon monoxide paused over heated sodium or potassium hydroxide, ... carbon monoxide may be eon- verted into hydrogen and hydrocarbons to the extent of ..."

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